Category Archives: Love

Dia de los Muertos

Here are some photos of the ofrenda I made this year. I placed photos of deceased family members, food offerings (this year was homegrown peppers and chilis), along with candles and trinkets on the altar. It’s a tradition I’ve created in our house, and something I’ve come to truly enjoy. Putting the ofrenda together always coincides nicely with Halloween celebrations and the changing of the seasons. This year’s altar has a harvest feel, with the pumpkins and garden offerings. The ritual of lighting the candles in the evening and paying respect to those who’ve passed on creates a solemn but sacred ending to the day.

Grandma’s teaspoons

During my mom’s last visit, she gifted me with several of my grandma’s teaspoons. There is a special feeling associated with using these spoons and something comforting about possessing an item that has been used by so many of my family members over the years. One day my daughter will stir her coffee or eat her yogurt with these spoons, and an invisible line will connect her to her great-grandmother, whom she wasn’t able to meet. Treasured objects, like these teaspoons, carry more significance than just simple function. They are a way to keep the past with us, a way to remember with fondness those who are no longer here physically, but who are always connected to us in spirit.

The Beet of My Heart

According to magical author Scott Cunningham, “Folk magic states that if a man and a woman eat from the same beet, they’ll fall in love with each other.”* Beets are said to have been the favorite food of Aphrodite, Goddess of Love. Beets, like love, deposit their pinkish hue on everything they touch. But while beets stain the fingertips, love stains the soul. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to enjoy this magical love-inducing vegetable on Valentine’s Day.

To make a love beet:

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Scrub the beet under water and slice off the leaves and base

Quarter the beet into four equal parts

Lay the beet on a piece of aluminum foil cut large enough to cover


Coat the quartered beet with approx two tablespoons of olive oil

Sprinkle the beet with one pinch each of basil, rosemary, thyme, pepper, & salt

Wrap beet completely in the foil

Bake the beet in the oven for approx 45 minutes to 1 hour, until fork tender


Each person should eat half (2 pieces) of the beet, preferably fed to them by the hand of their beloved. Can be enjoyed with a glass of champagne, for maximum effect.



*Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen, by Scott Cunningham

To read more about this sensuous vegetable, I recommend Tom Robbins’ ode to the beet, Jitterbug Perfume.

Ginger, Lemon & Honey Love Elixir

Here is a simple yet effective aphrodisiac recipe designed to arouse and delight the body and the spirit.

Ginger ignites fire in the body and creates passionate feelings. It also assists with sexual stamina and energy. Lemon represents happiness and purity of affection. Along with ginger, lemon generates feelings of intimacy. Lemon also banishes negativity, allowing love to permeate the relationship. Honey promotes sexual impulses and adds sweetness to the union. A touch of honey placed on the tongue allows the lover to speak words of romantic devotion. All three ingredients together create a love tonic that is simple but undeniably effective.

To make the elixir for you and your love, grate two teaspoons of fresh ginger. Divide the ginger into two cups. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into each cup. Add a teaspoon of honey to both cups. Fill the cups with boiling water and stir thoroughly while saying, “Love and passion to me and mine” three times. Share the elixir together while thinking lustful thoughts, and then do what comes naturally…